Seizing opportunity within the challenges of modern swine veterinary medicine
Farkas, DVM Carthage
Veterinary Service, Cartage Illinois
阿提拉-法卡斯 兽医学博士(伊利诺伊州迦太基兽医服务部,迦太基)
When I was first asked to give this lecture, I was very surprised. Honestly, the thought of talking about myself makes me uncomfortable. I do not want to ever do something that could be seen as bragging. Besides, talking to large audiences is really not in my blood. Not to mention, it is so hard to follow in the shoes of all the previous speakers. But I am going to give this my best.
Dr. Hogg was a man who wore many hats and seized many oppor­tunities. He went to business college, joined the Navy, went to vet school, practiced mixed animal medicine, went back to school to earn a master’s degree in veterinary pathology, served as a swine extension veterinarian, became a professor, and so many other things. He was a husband, a father, a son, and a friend. He lived a full life and helped others do the same. He had a heart for learning, which is crucial in an industry like ours where new challenges arise often.
As I am sure most of you know, Dr. Hogg was not from the US. And in case you could not tell from my accent, neither am I. Dr. Hogg immigrated with his family from Scotland as a child. My coming to America story is a little different, and it started later in my life.
After finishing vet school in Romania in 2006, I worked with Halav Love SRL, which is a dairy farm. They wanted to hire young, energetic veterinarians, and I fit the bill. I was one of four vets on their staff. My main responsibility was calf health management. I also worked monitoring milking data, looking for signs of mastitis.
2006年,在罗马尼亚兽医学校毕业后,我在Halav Love SRL工作,这是一家奶牛场。他们想雇用年轻、有活力的兽医,而我正好符合要求。我是他们员工中的四名兽医之一。我的主要责任是犊牛健康管理。我还负责监测挤奶数据,寻找乳腺炎的迹象。
One day in 2008, I got a call from a friend I made while visiting the US during college asking if I might be interested in working with swine in Texas. Smithfield’s presence in Romania was starting to grow, and I anticipated that they were going to be the future of swine in my home country. The chance to go experience confined swine production firsthand was too big to pass up. I wanted to come and learn from the best in the world. I knew that the knowledge I gained from working with swine in the US would make me more marketable in Romania. So I interviewed for a US agriculture visa.
Ultimately, I was offered a swine technician position. I eagerly told them I had my vet license. They were pleased and told me the job would involve some veterinary tasks. I was excited to embark on this new adventure of learning, so I could come back home and be a better veterinarian in my country.
When I gave my two-week notice to my boss at the dairy farm, he tried to deny it. He thought I was joking or trying to get a pay raise. I explained I was moving to the US to work for a swine company. All these years later, his words still stay with me. He said, “In Europe, titles are important. They are respected. In the US, you will just be their buddy, and you will be scraping pig shit.” I laughed and told him, “At least I will get paid.”
I will never forget when I flew into Amarillo and then drove to the town where the farm was. Everything was so flat. There were no trees anywhere. It was just crops. I had never seen a landscape like that. When I arrived at the place I would be staying, it was quite the culture shock. It was a trailer park in a field. I had never even seen a trailer before, let alone lived in one.
When I arrived at orientation, it was the first time I had been to a sow farm. As I was shown around, I quickly realized no one working there spoke English … or Romanian or Hungarian, which were the languages I knew. No one even knew my name. My start in the swine industry was not exactly what I had expected. But that was OK. I just needed to be patient and willing to learn.
In 2012, the company expressed an interest in having an on-site veterinarian and asked if I would be interested. I was eager to move back into a veterinary role, so I started the three-year program that foreign vets have to go through in order to be licensed in the US. And the rest is history, as they say.
Many of you are familiar with the story of the man who moved from Scotland as a child and ultimately became one of the swine industry’s celebrated veterinarians. It is why we honor Dr. Hogg still today, seventeen years after his passing. And now you know the tale of a young, eager Romanian veterinarian, who moved to America to learn about confined swine production with the intentions of going back home.
Dr. Hogg had a special empathy with people of Eastern European countries. As a matter of fact, one of his favorite places to visit was the Pasteur Institute in Bucharest, Romania. He was not only concerned with his native homeland or the country he adopted as home. He cared about the world, which leads me to my next topic—global control measures.

control measures
As a person born and raised in another country, I have a unique perspective on the swine industry when it comes to examining it beyond the borders of the US. Over the years, the need for safe and efficient food production has continued to rise. The high demand for harvestable animal-sourced food both nationally and globally can create a lot of pressure on the professionals tasked with the health and wellbeing of that food source. The crisis brought about by the African swine fever (ASF) outbreak starting in 2018 is a perfect illustration of this.
While the twentieth century enjoyed the luxury of largely ignoring ASF, the twenty-first century has seen the rapid expansion of this devastating disease across most of the pork-producing countries in the world. It is hard not to consider the recent ASF outbreak in China as the largest domestic animal health disaster in the history of the world because half of the world’s pig population was decimated. Diseases like ASF can have serious effects on worldwide swine production. It is a devastating, infectious disease that only infects swine and results in incredibly high mortality rates. African swine fever is one of the most economically important viral diseases in the swine industry. It is estimated that if the US experienced an ASF outbreak, it would cost us over $50 billion during the course of a ten-year period. Even a small scale ASF introduction into the US would result in devastating economic impacts to producers and the entire supply chain.
A lot of research has been devoted to trying to develop a commer­cial vaccine for ASF, but one does not exist yet. Recent advancements in vaccine technology have given hope to the ASF endemic regions of the world that disease control may be possible without depopulation. Even if a vaccine is only able to minimize the duration and volume of virus shedding, vaccination programs could go a long way toward decreasing the volume of ASF virus in the world, and thus slowing its creeping transmission across pig populations. Our industry should champion and support vaccine evaluation of safe vaccine candidates while demanding industries using “black market” ASF vaccines halt their use.
Currently, there are no effective treatment options for ASF either. Implementation of strict biosecurity measures is the best tool in our arsenal against the disease currently. African swine fever is largely a fomite-driven disease with contaminated meat products and swine carcasses being uniquely important components to its transmission. Producers generally do not need to change their biosecurity protocols to successfully prevent an ASF introduction, but they do need to execute them consistently. Nearly all pigs die once a herd is infected, and market access is lost to countries experiencing a break because no country is willing to risk bringing in contaminated pork. Depopulation of affected sites remains the gold standard for ASF control once it is introduced into a farm. Partial depopulation has been demonstrated to be effective on sites with regular testing, clinical sign monitoring, and constant internal biosecurity procedures to slow the spread of ASF inside the farm. Considerations for depopulation and carcass disposal methods should focus on timeliness of depopulation method, risk for carcass contamination in the disposal method, work safety, and mental wellbeing as well as animal wellbeing. Carcass disposal remains a challenge, particularly as it relates to regulatory compliance and practicality.
The rapid spread of ASF across China and other countries resulted in huge impacts to the global pig population, which created a deficit in the world’s food supply chain. As of July 2022, over fifty countries had reported cases of ASF since the 2018 outbreak. Ten of those countries reported their first occurrence since 2020. So, while that first year of the outbreak was probably the most devastating, the problem is far from over or under control. The direct and indirect economic loss is estimated to be well into the billions. Finding out the exact number of pigs lost or the precise economic impact has proven to be challenging because the numbers are not always reported publicly, and some that are available are not considered accurate. It is likely that the disease is much more catastrophic than what we have heard.
There is a huge lack of crucial data available for proper research of this particular outbreak and its effects, which creates quite the challenge in analyzing the true impact and developing actionable steps to help prevent future outbreaks from having similar detrimental impacts.
Currently, the response to ASF varies widely depending on what part of the world we are talking about. For instance, in China, only pigs which test positive must be eliminated. While in Europe, once a positive case of ASF is confirmed, not only are infected animals euthanized but the entire farm must be depopulated.
Then the site must go through two rounds of rigorous disinfect­ing, and then the site must sit empty for a significant period of time before repopulation is allowed.
The recent ASF outbreak highlighted some areas we need to work on as an industry. Initially, ASF moved across the whole country of China within three months. Only ninety days before the entire country, 3.7 million square miles, had been exposed to a disease that was first identified decades before. The situation caused many countries, the US included, to take a long, hard look at what needs to be done differently to learn from that situation. The answer so far seems to be to limit live movement, develop rapid ASF testing options, set up quarantines, and enforce the guidelines set.
For the US, one of the biggest hurdles is testing options. While there are diagnostic tests available for ASF, only a few sample types have been validated. They include whole blood, tonsils, spleen, and bone marrow for PCR testing and serum for ELISA testing. These all come with challenges, the primary one being the ease of quick collection if you need to survey a whole farm or an area. How many of you travel with the supplies in your vehicle to collect whole blood for an entire farm? Who is ready to necropsy a bunch of pigs in order to collect tonsils or spleens? Better yet, who wants to deal with the potential false-positive rate that is inherently part of ELISA testing when we are talking about a disease like ASF? Not me.
We need a better plan, a better method. But that takes a lot of work. It requires a lot of effort and collaborations between government agencies and producers to successfully tackle a disease like this. And with ASF, we have an even bigger challenge. Because so far we have been blessed to not have ASF within our borders, our access to samples for validation purposes is limited.
My connection with Eastern Europe has given me the opportunity to be part of a massive project to try to validate other sample types for monitoring for ASF. As part of the project, we were able to have samples collected of known ASF status for testing. We are trying to get data on the accuracy of population level samples like oral fluids versus individual samples like those that are currently validated. Many things must be considered when designing a project like this.
When we test a population sample, we accept a positive sample as positive. But how do we interpret a negative test result? Is it truly negative? Do we assume every animal chewed sufficiently on the rope, even those that might be sick? What if only one animal in the pen is sick, would we detect that? Would using oral fluids to survey a farm allow us to catch the index case, that first positive case, on a farm? These are things we do not know. And we will not know without a lot of testing.
In order to try to answer these questions, several organizations in the US are collaborating with organizations in Romania to sample ASF-positive farms to get us access to samples we have not had before. These samples will allow us to create scenarios with unvalidated sample types alongside validated ones to determine whether the unvalidated options are suitable for monitoring for ASF with accuracy.
Population type samples are always scrutinized initially before they become an acceptable option for surveillance of any disease. This is something we are used to. We went through it with PRRS for oral fluids and processing fluids. We went through this again with oral fluids for PED. Now we must do it for ASF.
With the help of our collaborators in Romania, we’ll be able to create a known prevalence by collecting individual samples on the positive farms. Then we will hopefully be able to answer the big question at the early stages of an ASF break—when only one pig in a pen is positive, is that oral fluid for the pen also positive? Or does it take two pigs or five pigs? Where is the threshold of detectability?
I am not going to lie. This project has not been without its challenges. When the discussion first started about trying to validate other sample types, the first obstacle was actually gaining access to positive farms to collect the samples needed. Then the next challenge was getting the samples collected. In Eastern Europe, once a farm has a confirmed positive ASF case, the window for collecting samples is small because the farm must be depopu­lated within a few days. The next hurdle was getting the samples collected to a lab where all the confirmatory testing could be conducted at a level our US government would be comfortable with.
teamwork, we were able to overcome these trials and get several
thousand samples collected and delivered to a lab in the US for all
the work to be done. Now comes the really hard part — waiting for
the results.
It is one of the roles of swine veterinarians to help identify problems in swine herds, especially those that pose a risk to neighboring herds or the entire industry. Not only do vets help recognize any problems; they also try to implement solutions that ensure animal health under the heavy weight of public scrutiny. Swine vets may be called upon to utilize their skill set to help train humanitarian response to emergencies and disasters like disease outbreak, fires, storms, floods, and droughts. Diseases and di­sasters know no borders. Our communication and collaborations cannot either. We cannot be competitors in situations like these. We must be teammates.
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vet perspective of industry opportunities
We have
talked about some global issues facing our profession. Now it is time
to shift our focus from a broader view to a more personal one.
Every new year brings reflection, analysis, and vision for the future for virtually every industry. The swine industry is no different. So how does the future look for us? How does it look for you? And how do we prepare for that future?
I would say the future looks pretty bright. Pork is the most consumed meat in the world. In general, pork production in the US has been on a steady increase for the past ten years, and it is not expected to decrease significantly. It is no secret that we like bacon … and sausage and ham. The US is the world’s third largest producer and consumer of pork and its products. In 2021, the US produced about 12.5 percent of the 100 million metric tons of pork produced.
The past few years, the US has been ranked first or second with regard to pork exports. In 2021, our pork exports surpassed 8.1 billion dollars in value. That is a whole lot of bacon.
The pork industry in our country continues to expand in spite of labor challenges and global swine health risks. Employment in the vet industry as a whole is expected to grow by 19 percent from 2021 to 2031, which outpaces many other sectors. For the upcoming decade, it is predicted that there will be 4800 openings for veterinarians each year. And while all of those will not be in the swine industry, when combining the job prospects for veterinary health and the growth of the pork industry, it stands to reason that the future looks very promising for swine vets in the US in the coming years. Regarding the future of swine veterinary medicine in the US, I would like to quote my colleague, Dr. Clayton Johnson. He said that the USA is still the best ride in the amuse­ment park.
So how do young swine veterinarians and aspiring swine vets prepare to embrace the opportunities on the horizon to be able to enjoy the ride?
First, I would tell you do not shy away from getting your hands dirty. Swine medicine, like other livestock medicine, is not like working in a clinic where people bring their coughing pig in for an evaluation and an antibiotic. Swine medicine means going to the farm, examining the herd, surveying conditions and taking samples. You cannot keep your hands or boots clean when working with pigs. Embrace the uniqueness of swine medicine over that which is applied to small animals. Instead of treating an individual animal, you are practicing population medicine. You make health recommendations that can influence thousands of animals. As herds grow, the more vets must rely on population consideration and a holistic thought process for problem solving. This may mean seeking additional advice and relying on other experts’ experiences. It is a hefty responsibility, but it is one you are capable of doing because you are here. You are willing to learn. You are willing to collaborate. You are willing to adjust and pivot when necessary.
I would also tell you to be pliable. As with everything, the only thing you can count on happening in the swine industry is that things will change. Change is never easy. Some changes will be for the good; some might not be. You have to be able to adapt as we learn more. Everything is subject to change—health risks, nutrition and feed ingredients, environmental conditions, genetics, diagnostics, and treatments. You need to be able to assess these items on any given farm and determine what do thesepigs need and how can I help thisproducer to provide those things. I challenge you to view changes as opportunities not obstacles.
Society rewards professions that inspire innovation and embody an entrepreneurial mindset. The swine industry desperately needs these two skills in order to continue to thrive in a world where the demand for more food increases, while the societal understanding of the actual production and cultivation of that food decreases. Our industry has to deal with a perception that is not always accurate or positive. As swine veterinarians, this is part of the mantle you must carry.
As new technologies become more readily available, you will need to examine how those things can be implemented to improve pork production. Utilizing new tools will allow improved health monitoring, will increase the accuracy of diagnostics, and will change the way you are able to provide care for the farms you serve. You will need to effectively communicate these ideas with clients. You have to be flexible in order to properly address these new challenges and utilize the new solutions. We live in a world with rapidly changing technology. Human healthcare is driven by this fast-paced change. Veterinary medicine has to go along for the ride, and sometimes be prepared to drive if we want to stay in control of our own destiny in regard to animal healthcare.
Artificial intelligence and machine learning are poised to revolutionize the technology sector including animal health technologies. Virtual reality and telemedicine provide us with tools to connect with producers and farms in methods which were previously unfathomable. Because of biosecurity practices and other constraints that come with being a swine vet, you may have to utilize remote monitoring and care until you can visit a site in person. Use this capability as a way to be present when you cannot physically be present. Disease editing and resistance provide us with novel disease management tools that will forever change the way we think about disease control and elimination. Simply put, the practitioner who relies on outdated technologies and methods will quickly find themselves with outdated ideas and results. Embrace change, influence developments, and adapt to what the future brings.
Medicine is becoming more and more specialized all the time, and veterinary medicine is not immune from this transition. While we all graduate as veterinary “generalists” many of us choose to develop a formal or informal specialty. Swine veterinarian pioneers such as Dr. Ralph Vinson, Dr. Steve Henry, Dr. Joe Connor, Dr. Roy Schultz, Dr. Larry Rueff, Dr. Tim Loula, and many others paved the way for the current and future generations to swine veterinarians to focus 100 percent on commercial swine production. They broke from the mixed animal practice concept that dominated the early era of their careers to chart their own specialty course, and we should similarly pioneer additional specialty expansion. Boar stud specialists such as Dr. Chris Kuster, Dr. Darwin Reicks, and Dr. Doug Groth have followed this model, taking it one level deeper and specializing within a specific production class of swine production. Academics follow this model regularly, but swine practitioners have yet to fully exploit specialization, and this is an opportunity for all of us to carve out our own niches in the industry and share our knowledge with other practitioners when it is appropriate for a specific case.
人类医学一直在变得越来越专业化,而兽医学也不能免于这种转变。虽然我们都是以兽医“通才”的身份毕业的,但我们中的许多人选择发展一个正式或非正式的专业。猪兽医先驱,如拉尔夫·文森(Ralph Vinson)博士、Steve Henry博士、Joe Connor博士、Roy Schultz博士、Larry Rueff博士、Tim Loula博士和其他许多人,为当前和未来几代猪兽医铺平了道路,使他们能够百分之百地专注于商业猪生产。他们打破了在其职业生涯早期占主导地位的混合动物实践概念,制定了自己的专业路线,同样我们也应该开创更多的专业扩展。种公猪专家,如Chris Kuster博士、Darwin Reicks博士和Doug Groth博士,都遵循了这一模式,将其更深一层,在养猪生产的特定生产类别中进行专业化。学术界经常遵循这种模式,但养猪业的从业者尚未完全利用专业化,这对我们所有人来说都是一个机会,可以在行业中开辟自己的发展空间,并在适合特定病例的时候与其他从业者分享我们的知识。
when I spoke briefly about my first swine job in the US? That job was
a lesson in adaptability. I wound up in an entry level position even
with a veterinarian license. That first week, I knocked down cobwebs
and scraped hog manure from in front and behind the sows in the
farrowing barn. My former boss had been right after all. But so was
I. I got paid.
As time went on, I began to learn Spanish and became able to communicate better with my coworkers. Soon my responsibilities evolved from clean-up duty to vaccinating pigs at weaning and power washing the farrowing rooms. Eventually, I moved to day one processing of piglets. Over time, I worked through all the tasks to learn about confined swine production in the US. It was eye opening and quite educational to do tasks at each level on the farm.
Eventually, the company was trying to fill a GGP (great grandparent) sow farm position because the person in the position was being promoted. I decided to interview for the job. The interviewer ultimately became my wife. I got the position. And she became my boss before she became my wife. Then after some time, I wound up being her boss, that is until I wrote her up when I mistakenly thought she was wrong. Thankfully, someone in the company had the wisdom to change things up, and I was not ever in a position where I would need to make such a monumental mistake again.
An important skill that will serve you well as a swine vet is the ability to multitask. You will not just serve as a diagnostician. You are going to be a teacher. You will need to be able to teach farm managers things to look for so they can alert you to issues as soon as they become a problem. You cannot be on every farm every day. The people who are there will be your eyes and ears in your absence. You are going to need to be an effective communicator.
You will often be the voice between farm staff and owner. You will need to explain your observations and diagnostic results to the clients and then be able to advise them of the best course of action. You will be a researcher. As new obstacles arise, you will need to tap into your inner scientist to come up with a way to evaluate and test solutions. The vet role in food animal produc­tion will continue to optimize animal health while keeping the goal of human nutrition in mind. Enhanced animal welfare practices will conform to consumer mindsets. You will need to balance your knowledge of sustainable farming practices with herd health management, not to mention, you will be balancing a personal life along with your professional one
Another important thing to remember is that you should never stop learning. Dr. Hogg got his master’s degree when he was fifty-two years old and completed the Executive Veterinary Program when he was seventy-five. As I mentioned, the industry is constantly changing. Being a lifelong student creates the right mindset and attitude to be able to learn how to deal with these changes. When the opportunity arises for you to attend international veterinary programs, take it. Doing so will broaden your horizons, and it opens the lines of communication across borders and oceans. As discussed earlier and as we all understand even more now because of what we dealt with a couple of years ago, there are health crises that have far reaching impacts. Global understanding and teamwork are crucial to managing large scale problems.
As a swine vet, you are going to face challenges and obstacles. I will tell you a secret; you will not have all the answers, and it is OK. You will research and consult and find the answer, and the whole process will help you learn. This constant state of learning and seeking knowledge will make you better for your clients. As the future of swine veterinary medicine, it will become your job to ensure that swine veterinary medicine continues to evolve by developing new techniques, asking new questions, innovating new models of educating, recruiting new minds with a range of backgrounds and approaches to problem solving, and helping new vets gain knowledge.
The opportunities are here. The brightness of your future in swine veterinary medicine is up to you. Ted Engstrom said that the rewards for those who persevere far exceed the pain that must precede the victory.
What are you willing to do? What are you willing to learn? What are you willing to try?
So, what do I think the future of the swine vet field looks like? I think it looks like you.
While the last thirty years have seen the development of the swine veterinary systems of our current industry, there are significant risks to the model in place today. First and foremost, we face an immediate concern regarding incoming talent into the industry. While the current crops of students are extremely talented, recent salary surveys indicate the students interested in swine veteri­nary medicine are not being compensated as well as their peers in other species groups. Very few of us have the luxury to make career decisions independent of salary considerations, and for years, swine veterinarians enjoyed superior income rates than our peers in most other species groups. The last three years have seen this situation shift wildly out of our favor. We should be extremely concerned about how we can attract the top graduating veterinary talent given the new reality that our salaries are low compared to other opportunities. We must champion the value of our services and do everything we can to keep salaries as high as our competi­tion in the companion animal and mixed animal worlds.
In addition to compensation concerns, we have to be concerned about the lack of pig farm exposure children are able to access. Biosecurity rules, no visitor policies, and the placement of farms in very remote locations have all combined to make pig farms inaccessible to everyone but our regular employees. Think about the last time you took your child or a young relative to a pig farm – I am guessing that experience happens rarely if ever, and that is a considerable risk to AASV members. If we cannot improve access to our farms and industry, how can we ever hope to inspire young generations to desire a career in swine medicine?
Veterinarians are considered trusted partners in protecting ani­mal, human, and environmental health. We are stewards of animal welfare, research, food animal production, and species conservation. These roles will always matter, meaning veterinarians will always matter. Make sure the decisions you make build those partnerships. They will be vital to your success.
As a whole, swine vets have excelled at treating individual sick pigs. But to continue to be relevant in the industry, we must remember the scientific process. We cannot just observe and take note. We need to create controlled experiments to test theories and ideas. We must be proactive in seeking solutions, not just reactive. Years ago a saying was coined that you might have heard. The saying was that it takes a village to raise a child. These days, I say it takes a village to take care of the world’s swine population. Being a vet encompasses knowledge in so many areas like ogy—areas we are not always experts in. Our individual success is limited by our ability to take clinical symptoms and relate them to the root biology of the issue. And then we have to conduct the proper diagnostic testing on the samples to support the diagnosis. Once an answer is found, treatment options become much more meaningful. Sometimes figuring all of this out takes the village. As we have seen with the current ASF break, we are going to need a village mindset to manage and control this issue.
When I came to the US, I was embarking on a mission to gain knowledge and perspective that I could take back home to build a career with. I never imagined I would gain so much more. I had not planned on finding my calling, creating a new home, finding my wife, and building an extended family. See what you can gain by taking risks, being pliable and choosing to embrace opportunities?
Our industry has certainly faced some challenges in recent years. But we are still here. In 1931, James Adams said America was the land of opportunity. And while many things have changed in the nine decades since then, America is still the land of opportunity. I leave you with this thought, Robert Collier said, “Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.” Make those small efforts. Do the work. Success will find you. I challenge you to think broadly. Think boldly. We make our own future. Are you ready to help feed the world?